For Shipped Orders:
We’re committed to great fitting items. Once you receive your order, please try on all items within 48 hours. If you have questions about the fit, we recommend calling our Customer Care Center at 877.320.0050 for faster service.
If replacement items are needed for a better fit, they will be shipped to you free of charge via ground service from our California fulfillment center if you contact us within 48 hours of delivery. In some cases, you may be able to request faster shipping service at your own expense. After 48 hours, replacement items may be subject to rush shipping fees, so give us a call early to avoid these charges.
If contacting us about replacements via email, photos of you wearing the item(s) needing replacement are helpful.
If your rental items fit well but you prefer a longer or shorter coat sleeve or pant hem, you can take the garment to a local tailor for a temporary alteration. Please make sure the person making the alteration does not cut the fabric. With a receipt from the tailor, we’ll credit your order up to $15 to cover the cost of the alteration. Just email a copy of your receipt along with your name and order number to [email protected]. In addition, any Friar Tux location is available to assist with an exchange or on-site alteration on Friar Tux merchandise for purchase for an additional fee.
For Orders Picked Up In-Store:
When you pick up your order, we encourage you to try on your garments at the store to ensure you are happy with the fit. Our stylists will verify the correct fit and will assist with any adjustments. If any items need to be adjusted or exchanged, an additional visit to the store may be required.